Episode 141 | Leighton Newberry

Leighton Newberry | Recruitment Ready


Born and raised in Knoxville, TN, Leighton left one southern college town for another after choosing Auburn University to call home in the fall of 2015. Only knowing a handful of people on the Plains, she went through recruitment in pursuit of a friend group, a way to give back and the ability to be apart of something bigger than herself. After pledging a sorority, for the next 4 years she ended up gaining all of that, serving as social chair, gaining life long skills & so much more!

Leighton started Recruitment Ready in 2019, after having many girls and mamas in her hometown ask, “How do I “get ready” for recruitment? What do I wear? How do I make my resume?!”

Having a true joy for mentoring younger women, she saw a need to help girls and mamas alike. “My heart behind Recruitment Ready is that girls would know they are GOOD enough, valued and seen, no matter their brand of clothes or hometown.”

Combining what she personally learned going through the process, her love of southern style, etiquette and desire to give back, Recruitment Ready was born!