Episode 113 | Dr. Kim Swales

Dr. Kim Swales | The Tech Talk


She’s Back!!!! We couldn't be more excited to have Dr. Kim Swales on Say It Southern with us. This time she is talking tips on navigating technology for us and our children. The struggles of parenting and balancing the ever changing world of technology is tricky especially over the past year when we have been spending more time at home.

Is it really THAT bad? How much is too much? Should we scroll through their messages? What age is an appropriate age for a cell phone? Is it ok that my child uses video games to socialize with his friends? Oh, so many questions for Dr. Kim and she answers these plus more!

Kimberley Swales earned her Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Communication with a concentration in counseling from Ohio University over 27 years ago. She then went on to do post-doctorate studies in counseling. Dr. Swales was formerly a researcher and college professor at the University of Houston but is now in private practice as a parenting, marriage, relationship, and life coach.

​Dr. Swales has published research on gender communication, friendship, family and marital communication and relationship maintenance. She has won a prestigious national award for her research on communication between men and women. Dr. Swales has presented her research and given presentations all over the country for the past 27 years.  She speaks to schools and organizations several times a year on parenting, relationships and marriage.

​She has been married for 25 years and has three children so she brings a real life perspective to her practice and her speaking engagements.

