Episode 100 | Emily Ley

Emily Ley | The Simplified Life


Okkkkaaayyyyy, pinch me- Emily Ley has been on our guest wish list since we started. She’s been one to watch over the past decade, growing her stationery hobby into a full time etsy job, then in 2008 that community started growing. Emily kept creating products to support their quest for simplified lives.

In 2012 the first Simplified Planner was born and everything exploded. Planners started shipping all over the nation, more team members hired, Emily’s twins were born, then in 2016 book one “Grace not Perfection and in 2017 “A Simplified Life”.

Since then the line has moved into Staples, Walmart, Office Depot and Target; she’s written another book “When Less Becomes More” and continues to lead the way in organizing modern mamas lives.

We loved learning about her story and strategy, how she chooses to live her life and what goes on behind the scenes.

Also what a joy it has been for us to be with you through 100 episodes. We honestly can’t believe it. Thank you for coming on this journey with us. It’s only going up from here!

To learn more about Emily Ley and her products visit www.emilyley.com

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